Korea-Arab Society
The 8th Arab Cultural Festival
Korea-Arab Society(KAS) www.korea-arab.org

Korea-Arab Society (KAS) is a non-profit incorporated foundation established by both governments, corporations and related organizations to promote exchanges and cooperation between Korea and twenty-two Arab countries. Since its establishment in 2008, Korea-Arab Society has been developing and implementing various cooperation and support projects every year in all fields including politics and economics, society and culture so as to establish a true partnership between Korea and Arab countries.
KAS is actively seeking ways to increase opportunities for cultural exchanges between the two regions by organizing events such as 'Korea-Arab Friendship Caravan' and 'Arab Cultural Festival'. Also, the Society supports people-to-people exchange of students and business people and work on projects that enable both Koreans and Arabs to gain a better understanding in a whole spectrum of fields including politics, economy, arts, and science.
#1403, 511, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-729, Korea
T. 02-551-7130 F. 02-551-7133
E. info@korea-arab.org